Parker is continuing to grow in both size and ability. He is now tall enough to reach things that are hanging over the side of the counter. He can also climb up a slide at the play ground. He is starting to say more words I understand. My favorite thing he says is thank you. Yesterday he sat at our kitchen table and folded his arms and started mumbling something. I think he was saying a prayer.
I'm growing both mentally and physically. School this semester has been going well. I'm about 1 month away from being done, and therefore being 2 classes closer to graduating. Physically my clothes are also getting a little snug.
Baby #2
We should be meeting this member face to face around May 15th. At the last doctor's appointment the doctor said the heart beat sounded good.
Our family is excitedly awaiting baby #2.
I'm 14 weeks along today, and have been able to enjoy it so far. We should find out around Christmas whether we will be parents to another little boy or if we will get to experience a change and have a little girl.
PS: I'm not going to be posting anything regarding this on facebook for another month or so, so please don't leave a comment on my wall regarding this.