Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Parker's at 1-YEAR

At one year Parker is a joy most of the time, and even when he's not the journey is worth it.

  • His eye color - depends on the light, but seem to be a light brown with a little blue most of the time. But if you look at them from the right angle and light they look blue.

  • Is really good at throwing fits

  • Sometimes forgets he's no longer connected to mom by an inbilical cord

  • Seems to have a good immune system

  • Loves to be outside (THANK GOD for the warmer lately)

  • Really likes to toss a ball back and forth

  • Likes to walk along furniture, walls, or with the help of mom & dad

  • Loves remotes and telephones (and seems to know what they are used for)

  • Is really good at doing the "more" sign (he even curls his fingers in)

  • Is a little confused on the "finished" sign (he just starts throwing his food on the floor)

  • Loves to wave and clap

  • Has 6 teeth (he hasn't gotten any teeth since Christmas)

  • Loves to eat: bananas, mac & cheese, peas, gram crackers, and apple sauce.

  • Doesn't like: ??? Right now he isn't too picky, up until recently he wasn't eatting food he had to chew very well, but in the last weeks, he's gotten a lot better about it.
  • Will mimic speach, but doesn't seem to use any words constant enough for me to regognize them. He does say "yeah" a lot though.

Parker is a fun kid and BOY do we love our little BOY.

***I'll post pictures later***