Friday, July 9, 2010

A Little of This . . . A Little of That

Parker Loves Books. . .
Favorites: Articles of Faith by Talmage, Eernie & The Twiddle Bug Town Fair, Daniel & the Lion's Den
He likes to pretend to read the first.
He likes the 2nd so much he tried to give it a bath.
The last book will calm him down at any time, it has little flaps he can peek under.

Parker Loves Water. . .
We got a little kiddy pool for him to play in. He thinks it is pretty awesome.

We gave him his first "BUBBLE" bath. He was a little frightened to get in at first, but once he found out the bubbles didn't hurt he wanted to eat them.

It seems he even likes to ride on the water. We are going to let him play in the lake next time we are there. We shall see what he thinks of that.

Parker Loves FIREWORKS. . .
This was just a smoke bomb, but when we shot off our personal fireworks he thought they were pretty neat. We didn't go to a park or anything this year. Maybe on the 24th we will venture off to see a big display to see how he likes them.

Parker Loves the Zoo. . .
Especially the train

He loves outside, and knows he needs his shoes on, so he will often bring them to me as his sign it is time to go outside.

He is recognizing shapes and can put most of the shapes in his shape block.
  • Circle - - He will rotate the block until he finds the circle spot then put it in.
  • All the other - - He will correctly put the shape in the correct spot if the spot it goes on is face up.
He has started to build with his building blocks. (Most of the time only one or two block high)

He has just started using a spoon . . .sometimes. . . for eating. Although his tool of choice is his hands.

I try to give him a cup with a little water every day. He love to dump it on himself.

He is getting a little more picky, but will still eat most things. He has never been good about eating meat.

Some of his favorite foods are: yogurt, apple sauce, animal crackers, milk, bananas, peas, macaroni & cheese, & PB & J sandwiches.


One mom said...

Wow. He has gotten so big. It is great that you recorded his favorite things and his abilities, because they will change again in six months. In another year, you will read your journal (or his special book) and just smile thinking, I remember that. But if you hadn't written it down, you might have already forgotten. Isn't it fun to watch children grow?

sweets said...

He is so cute!

RuSty and LaLa said...

Such a cute picture with Granny. Hanalei and parker have a lot in common. The other day she was reading the Hymn book and cracking up. I don't remember ever reading the comedy section. Too cute.