Born: Sunday, May 15th @ 5:11 pm
8lbs 1oz
21 1/2 inches long
Max's Birth Story
I was lucky to have a fairly easy pregnancy. I went to my 39 week appointment and was told he was still really high. The doctor recommended I just walk a lot to get the baby to move down. I walked 3 miles for the next two days and then about a mile the next two days. I also started drinking 1 cup of raspberry leaf tea every day. The day before Max was born I started putting in my garden and then Troy and I went to his work's recognition night which included dancing. We danced about 4 dances before I decided I had done enough.
That doesn't tell the whole story though you see starting Friday I noticed I was leaking fluid. At first I thought the baby just dropped so my bladder had extra pressure. However by Sunday I decided I better at least go to the hospital to at least have it checked out.
We sent Parker to church with a neighbor, and then headed to the hospital for testing. Upon getting the results back it was determined the fluid was amniotic fluid. My doctor was at the hospital delivering another baby so when she came in and finished breaking my water, and then they started me on pitocin at about 1:30.
Troy needed to leave to figure out what to do with Parker. We had made arrangements for Troy's parents to take him while we were at the hospital, but we couldn't get a hold of them because they were at church. We also still had his car seat, and his bags in our car. I told Troy earlier rather than later would be the best time to leave. So he left . . .
While Troy was gone my contractions started to get more intense. I just wanted him to get back, and help me through the contractions. Troy got back around 3:30 and soon after the anaesthesiologist came in to give me the epidural. I was really glad Troy was there while I was getting the epidural. I might have yelled at the poor man if I hadn't had the support of Troy.
Once the epidural kicked in I was able to actually enjoy life again. The epidural was great. I was still able to move my legs, and even had some sense of feeling, but I didn't feel the contractions. I expected the epidural to stop progress like it did when I had one with Parker, but was pleasantly surprised when I continued to progress. At about 5pm the nurse checked me and told me I was ready to start pushing. After my doctor came in they had me start pushing. I was told to push twice during my first contraction, and then 4 times during the next contraction, and Max was here. The whole thing was WAY quicker then I was expecting.
Mom enjoying holding Max in my arms
Dad holding Max
I felt really good after the delivery, and even felt good enough to go to the first bath. The hospital was OK. I got really tired of them coming in every two hours to get vitals, clean the room, or bring me food. I wish we would have left before our 2nd night I think we would have been able to relax more at home.
Parker visiting the hospital
Since returning home Max has been a gem. He cries to be fed or have his diaper changed, but is so easily consoled.
Max sleeping in his bed at home
Parker is still adjusting to the change. I think he likes the baby, but he's also acting out. He likes to go check the babies bed to see him. He occasionally gets interested in him and will rub his head, but for the most part he has kept his distance. It has been nice to have Troy home for the week so I can play with Parker while Troy is holding Max.
The first time Parker held Max
Congrats :) What a beautiful family you have. Max is DARLING. Hope all is well,
Love Leah
What a cutie! I'm glad he got here safely and that you and baby are doing well. Ella was the same way with Tyler - but she's slowly warming up to him. Have fun getting adjusted to two kids! :-)
Congratulations! I am so excited for you! He sure is a doll! So beautiful! I am glad that everything went well and that everyone is healthy!
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