Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Another Semester Down

I just finished another semester, and when meeting with my advisor found out I only have 1 more class to complete before I'll have a Bachelor of Science in Biology with an emphasis in Cellular and Molecular Biology. I also qualify for a Chemistry minor.

I am so glad to be almost done. This last semester was really hard on Parker. I had class 5 days of the week, two of those days I had labs that meant I was away for around 6 hours. Not to mention the many nights I would lock the kids downstairs with Troy while I studied upstairs. There were days I would tell Parker I had to leave to school, and he would start crying. I wanted to cry right along with him, but kept my composure for him.

I contemplated whether I should take a lighter load then usual this semester because I had just had Max, and I wasn't sure how I was going to juggle the responsibilities of two kids, and two classes that both had a lab component. After the fact, I'm so glad I didn't. Max has been such an easy going baby that it made it possible for me to keep my sanity while juggling family, church, and school responsibilities. He is starting to get more mobile, and needs more attention so now next semester will be possible, because I'll only have the one class.

Many people have asked me what my plans are once I'm done. Well . . . for right now it will just make me a mom with options. I feel my time will be best spent at home raising my kids, but I find relieve knowing if something happened to Troy I have a degree. After my kids don't need me as much in the home I may choose to go get a teaching certificate and go teach secondary education biology, but that is still a few years away.


Alison Hixson said...

Holy cow girl! You are amazing! That is great that you were able to take such a heavy load and still do everything else! How awesome is that? Plus, the degree you are earning does not seem like it would be easy classes! You sure are a smarty pants!! Congratulations!!

sweets said...

great job good luck next semester.

One mom said...

Way to go Katie. Being a mom is hard enough, but then you through school in the mix and you must be one busy lady. It feels so good to know that you have a skill set that can provide for your family (should you ever need to). I am sure you would make a great teacher some day if you wanted to pursue that path.