Thursday, January 21, 2010

You Know You're Married To An Engineer When He . . .

*talks about resistors, and capacitors like they are good friends.

*gets gitty when he talks about making catapults.

*gets excited when ANYTHING breaks so he can take it apart, and put it back together.

*mentions he wants to take apart the 4 function solar powered calculator so he can experiment with the solar cell.

*can't wait for his MAKE Magazine to come in the mail.

*looks at your sewing project's pattern and refers to the instructions as a list of procedures, the supplies list as a bill of materials, and the fabric as building materials.



Kristen and Erik Cambridge said...

Haha....totally reminds me of growing up. My dad is an engineer. lol

One mom said...

Fun! It is great that he is so passionate - hopefully he will teach Parker!

Andrea said...

If he didn't love being an engineer, I'd be worried. That's just their nature.

Do you sew? That's great!